Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Shabbos Buddies Celebrate Hanukkah at Lenny's Deli!

Help Replenish Our Local Food Banks!

Hanukkah and Shabbat Celebration

December 7th at 6:30 p.m.
Lenny's Deli in Los Angeles
2379 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064

RSVP to or call (323) 653 – 7420

This December 7th, bring cans of food for our local food banks and be a voice for the hungry!

All Are Welcome to join Cantor Estherleon for an evening celebrating miracles that live on throughout the ages!

Light your Candle in Gratitude of Tradition, Friendship, Harmony and Peace.

Complimentary Chicken Soup, Latkas and Jelly Donuts!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

I'm Blogging!

March 8th Blog Post:
Dear Ones...Woke up this morning feeling so hopeful. I thought about my life, your life, the worlds life. I threw on my oversized cuddle coat, put on my happy socks, big dark shades and covered my hair with the hoodie attached to my coat. I said in a whisper and looked upward and said, hello world? bring it on. I walked around the block, morning routine to Starbucks to get my 3 zips of Pike coffee and steamed half and half. After the 1st zip, I got like a small high, second zip I got super happy and everything I looked at, the trees, the stores, the dogs (love dogs,)  early morning birds singing (I whistle a tune to them) and hey, whether it is my imagination or not, I'm good, I'm really gooooood with my lot at this moment and look upward with my heart and throw kisses...your friend..e

March 25th
Dear Ones...Had weird dreams last night. Maybe 'cause I took myself alone to the movies and saw A WRINKLE AT A TIME. I bought some popcorn and licorice and a chorizo. You see, my grandchildren and I have a tradition. They live in Florida and my when I fly to them or they fly here to LA, its movie time. I sit in the middle and love every second being next to them, sharing the goodies and cell phones are off. I was missing them a lot as always and bought a senior ticket for me and 3 seats, even though I knew they would be empty, but not really you know what I mean., even though they were in Florida and Max my first born grandson lives in Israel and were not physically there, sitting next to me, to me their essence, their vibe as they say, is not measured in distance, but in memories, thank God for my memory.

Hi Dear Ones...I woke up this morning feeling sooooo peaceful, hopeful beyond words. Could it be magic in the pure air after the rain? Oh well, whatever, some things in life are unexplainable and just maybe that's the miracle. Maybe it's the conscious awareness of a feeling you trust, a consciousness of every feeling you have, everything you look at, anything you touch, you feel in awe, an appreciation of what your feeling? Some people call it Gratitude...I lift my eyes and heart upward all-day long. e

March 26th
My Dear Ones...Woke up this morning feeling like kind of "yucky". I knew one thing at that moment, this too shall pass, I said out loud whatever darkness you are, I will get to you, you will not get to me. I went to the bathroom, when finished, said one billion thank yous for my body functions working. I think all that fiber does help? Then you know those that are following this blog I write, threw on my oversized coat and dark shades and went for my morning "high" yes, 3 zips of coffee at Starbucks 500 feet walk thru the alley. Really thank God for that and change to buy coffee. The moment I started to feel grateful and looked upward, the YUK passed and I sat down to write to you all. ...Have a blessed’re covered. - e

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Hi, Kookies!


So much has happened since I had my last reading of Tears of Stone: And My Deal with God: My Life Story at Barnes & Noble at The Grove!

Since writing my first paperback about my surviving the Holocaust and coming to America to embark on an amazingly spiritual journey... I've written three (yes, 3!) more books that compose a new series of meditations.  In fact, I've created a whole new approach to meditation that's fun and simple... and will make you laugh!  Can you imagine?  Laughter and meditating together?  Wow!  What a concept!  Yep!  And I figured it out and am sharing it with the world!

To complement my books, I and my creative partner, Ivor Pyres, are providing mindful music meditations to the public.  Yes!  Music Meditations!  You can find us where we'll be next on my Event's Page on my website (

Wanna know more?!  I know you do!  Here's a link for you to listen to uplifting music for your soul:  It's a little something Ivor and me also are doing....

So check out my other books, Simply Meditate, Simply Meditate With Giggles, and, Simply Meditate with Your Dog & Meow!

Although Tears of Stone is still on Twitter ( and Facebook ( you can also find me and what I'm up to via @estherleon4you on Twitter and on Facebook at