Saturday, November 16, 2019

From the Book to the Movie - 'Tears of Stone' Debuts at Matrix Theatre

Director Ivor Pyres and Estherleon will be on hand on Thursday, November 21st, for a special Q&A at the 7:30 p.m. screening of Tears of Stone at the Matrix Theatre, 7657 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90046 

R.S.V.P. welcomed but not required:  

Friday, May 10, 2019

Estherleon Presents The Art of Meditation with Ivor Pyres

Wellness, Comfort, Inner Peace 
a meditative event  
experience a gentle and easy way to connect...

Lift your eyes and Heart upward
Morning noon and night
A presence of Calm
now surrounds you
In stillness comes
clarity wisdom and hope
Each moment is new
Each moment is yours    
To rethink
to make new choices
Each moment is yours

For retreats, meetings, and breaks.  A wellness tool for employees to refresh, re-charge and appreciate their jobs and fellow workers.  A group experience to form a deeper bond collectively while inspiring each individual to be and do their very best. 

MINDFULNESS MEDITATION, a de-stress experience evoking motivation, harmony, inspiration, cheerfulness and peace of mind and heart. - e 

Cantor Estherleon Schwartz
(323) 653-7420

Cantor Estherleon Schwartz
PO Box 7488
Beverly Hills, CA 90012

Books by Estherleon...

The Film: Estherleon Tears of Stone